“SPARSH SHIBIR” is indeed a blessing to experience the Serenity.

It is a residential discourse inclusive of Dr. Sunil Kale’s LIVE Satsang and Specially designed Rejuvenation Processes. One can achieve a balance of physical vitality, family harmony, emotional maturity, and spiritual clarity. We understand the importance of Living in the present and living in the thoughts of truth constantly.

During these Rejuvenation processes, one can discover the missing link in spirituality and knowing yourself. “SPARSH SHIBIR” is indeed a blessing to experience the Oneness, and the Serenity.

This SPARSH SHIBIR is conducted during weekends (i.e. from friday morning till sunday evening)


This is an Advanced Sadhana Base Shibir, which is also conducted during weekends (i.e. from friday morning till sunday evening)


SHREEVATSA SHIBIR – A piligrimage within!

Today's materialistic world is full of irony. Things were created to be used and people were created to be loved. Ironically today, the people are being used and things are being loved.

In this materialistic world, everybody is drifting away from his own center. As a result, the basic values and purpose of life are lost. This overly love for mundane happiness throws us away from the core. Being at the core means, being in the state called 'Mularambha'. It is the state of zero or the 'Shunyavastha'; the purest state of mind which is free from biases and all mundane emotions. Adi Shankaracharya describes it as the state of 'Nityohum Shivohum'.

This is our ultimate destination where we experience pure bliss and discover the real purpose of life. To reach there we need the centripetal force of the Gurutattva, that pulls us to the core and guides us on the right path. And the one who takes us there or who illuminates this path for us is called 'Guru'.

Discover different facets of the Gurutattva in a divine discourse 'Srivatsa Shibir' and illuminate your life from within, with an enriching experience of pure bliss.

This SHREEVATSA SHIBIR is also conducted during weekends (i.e. from friday morning till sunday evening)